Friday, August 22, 2008

Creating a wedding checklist before your wedding

Every wedding needs to have a planning and a wedding checklist to see to the wedding runs smoothly and a successful wedding. A months before the wedding get your friends to participates in your wedding like allocates them the jobs that they have to do before and during the wedding day. Most of the jobs that allocated your friends to do is to usher the guest to the wedding tables and to list their attendence and receive their present, who is going to drive the couples car and decoration of the car and house if you think it a must.

For the bride and the groom if you are planning for your wedding, first you had to created your own wedding checklist. With a checklist it will make your jobs more easier and beside you will know which friends or relatives handle the jobs that is given. The common planning are list of names of friends, relatives and guest that you want them to attended your wedding. The wedding cakes, beverage and foods before and on the wedding day. A four music band if you need one and dressing and photograph. Flowers for the bride and guest.


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Most wedding showers checklist are prepare by close friends

Most newly couple would prefer to have a bridal shower for their close friends and relatives as it is one of many pre-wedding parties with a purpose and also brings fun and enjoyable night to those who attended. Most wedding showers are present with gift after or before the parties as a remembers. Friends and relatives will showers the bride and groom with gift. During the parties games and dance are play among friends and relatives. The flows of wine and beers goes on until the parties stop. Simple buffet foods styles was served to them.

Most of the wedding showers are most held six to seven weeks in advance of their actual wedding day to give the family, bride and groom more time to prepare thing for their wedding day. A good wedding shower checklist needs to be well prepare and carefully manage. for everyone to enjoy them self.

Most wedding showers checklist are prepare by close friends of the bride and the expensive are most share among their friends. When planning a wedding shower checklist always check with the bride the days the wedding shower party to be held as sometimes the bride and the groom might have other function or things to do. Groups the people who share to organizers the party. List the fun games to play, gift for the bride and groom and the bride and groom relatives and friends to invite. The venue where the wedding shower to be held and also decoration items. Lastly who is going to in charge of food and drinks.


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

holding a wedding showewr checklist party

Most wedding needs a lot of planning. Some wedding are plan a years ahead in orders not to miss their good friends, relatives and their wedding preparation as to most couples are once in their life time. Most the wedding shower checklist are mostly host by the wedding maids but into today anybody, friends or relatives can organizing this show.

The wedding shower checklist are knowns to many people as parties with purpose as to shower the bride and the groom with gift and good wishes. Besides it is a party to get friends together to celebrated for the wedding couple. Wedding shower checklist party are mostly held a week before the actual day of the wedding. The cost of the party are mostly share between friends of the bride and groom. The best location to held the wedding shower checklist party is where someone home has a big garden and nears to most of the invited guests.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wedding needs a lots of planning

Wedding needs a lots of planning, sometimes its takes more than a year to plan. Venue where dinner to be held for your guests and what are the food to be served. If it is in the church you had to book the church in advance to avoid disappointed. It it is in your house, there are many things we had to put into consideration. Lighting, tables and chairs, flowers for decoration and the center pieces where the bride and the groom will said i do. Foods and drinks to be served to the guest.

Others wedding planning are the list of your friends, relatives, neighbour and colleques that you want to invite. What are briders shower gifts for all the invited guest and the wedding cards to be send. Who is to be the groom best man and the bride maids. Last month my brother got married, Its takes me two hards works month for planning, sending invitation cards to relatives and buying things thats has to go with the wedding.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wedding showers popular to young couples

Wedding showers has become popular to young couples in Asian countries and its time when good old friends and relatives get together to enjoy some fun and a night where you can able to enjoy the company of your goods old friends. During the evening light snacks, bar-be-que, beers, wine and soft drinks were serve to your invited guests.

For our chinese tradition the night before the wedding is a must, it is a time where all your close relatives will turn up to your house and even all your close and working friends will turn up to make the evening a remmember ones. At midnight the bride and groom at their own house will dress up in anew night dress and pray to heaven and the house god to tell them their are now adults and going to have a family of their own. After the praying ceremony the guest will to go back, only a few will stay back very late.


Friday, August 10, 2007

wedding shower checklist before your aupicious day

Getting married is one of the aupicious omens in a family and it had to be well prepare before the wedding day. Every newly couples will prepare a wedding shower checklist before hand as not to miss someone who is very closed or important to you that you will not missed when comes to invitation. There are many areas that one newly couple has to look into it. By having a wedding shower checklist you won't missed somethings very important to you on your wedding day in the very last minutes.

By having a wedding shower checklist, you can name all your friends, relatives and your parents friends in the list. Items to purchase, Meals arranged to which hotels or restaurent you want your wedding dinner to be held, wedding photo arrangement including the wedding grown, dinner grown, bridegroom suit and also the bestman and best maid dress and suits, wedding invitation cards and cars arrangement and many things to be done.


Monday, July 02, 2007

Wedding checklist always done few month ahead

Talk about marriage, it takes a year of planning, as most young couples want their wedding marriage to be the best. Most wedding peparations are started with getting an aupicious date for their wedding and the date is always given by experience and old wise people who is good in feng shui and astrologist. After the auspicious date is mensions they will decided the venue where dinner is going to be helds as most famous restaurant will be booked up as early as six month.

Follow up, setting a date with the photographers to take picture of the bride and groom in posting position and the tried out of the wedding dresses and the dinner dress and the rest of the wedding shower checklist can be done laters about two to three months before the wedding.

Others wedding checklist are the names whom you want to invite as you do not want to missed the name of your best friends if you do it early. How you want your invitation to be as most chinese want the cards it to be red or pink a sign of power, good luck, prosperity, happiness and loving.
